Welcome to Writelink

Creative writing

Welcome to our blog section. Here we intend to share tips, ideas, and information on creative writing. Like everything in life, writing is about hard work and dedication. To achieve his or her goals, an author needs training. This blog is a source where both amateurs and professionals can find ideas, solutions, and interesting content.

Our entries will feature:

  • Writing tips for short stories
  • Writing tips for novels
  • Character creation
  • Tips for writing different genres
  • Topics that concern the industry

Writing a short story

Writing a short story is not as simple as it sounds. To tell a story and engage the reader in only a few pages is quite a challenge.

Our blog has entries for those who love this niche. We share ideas, tips, and exercises to help you write the perfect story.

Writing a novel

This is a whole different universe. In this case, time is in your favor. The novel format provides plenty of space for you to develop your characters and storyline. Yet, it also has tricky moments. Writers need to carefully structure the plot to avoid loopholes. Also, the novel allows for a wider array of techniques. Let’s take James Joyce’s Ulysses as an example. This novel presents chapters with different approaches. Cirse is written like a play script, music motifs mainly dominate sirens, and Penelope is a monologue written with the stream-of-consciousness technique.

Our blog includes an analysis of some of the greatest novels like Anna Karenina, Great Expectations, and The Great Gatsby.

Character creation

Characters are what make a story come alive. They are the ones that create the plot. Having powerful characters that readers can relate to is essential.

Our entries provide tips to create the perfect characters by establishing their profiles in three aspects of their personality. These are physiology, psychology, and sociology.

Write different genres

We have guest posts by some of the most popular writers in different genres. We cover topics like mystery hooks, children’s books, literary fiction, romantic novels, non-fiction, and how to write a crime plot.

Essential topics for the writing industry in 2021

This is the most exciting section of our blog. Whether we like it or not, writers need to be aware of the modern tools for writing and marketing.

Some of our topics are AI writing, blogging, developing content for YouTube, audiobooks, editing software, plagiarism-checker software, self-publishing platforms, different publishing methods, podcasts, tax filing, formatting, and copyright.

Welcome to the Writelink’s community

Lastly, we invite all readers to leave their comments and suggestions. We intend to make our blog a source of knowledge and exchange.

We are a team of people who are passionate about literature and have been in the creative writing sector for years. Thus, we can offer our community the best of our knowledge while receiving fresh ideas and feedback.

Our goal is to create a space where writers from all over the world can share their thoughts. We know that writing can be a lonely endeavor. But it doesn’t have to be like this anymore. Welcome to a virtual space where you can meet people that share the same passion for books, literature, and creative writing.

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