Dos and don’ts of writing a short story

Creative writing

Although it may not seem that way, writing a short story is quite a challenge. Some think that short stories are easier than novels because they have fewer pages, but this is far from the truth.

Telling a convincing story when you have a limited number of words to use, e.g., 900, 1,500, or 3,000, is no easy task. With a novel, on the other hand, authors have plenty of time to develop the characters, explain situations, and submerge the reader into the plot.

This article presents a few dos and don’ts that will help you create a gripping story. But first, let’s take a look at some of the best short story authors in the history of literature.

The art of short story writing

The best approach to writing a great short story is to learn from the best. The field’s big names have set the example of how to write an engaging and successful story. Most importantly, they have reached this level of expertise with hard work. Many of them have dealt with the same issues as any writer. You can read some of their work in this list of 100 great short stories.

The 15 best short story writers of all time

  1. Anton Chejov
  2. Edgar Allan Poe
  3. Ernest Hemingway
  4. Franz Kafka
  5. Raymond Carver
  6. Jorge Luis Borges
  7. Guy de Maupassant
  8. William Faulkner
  9. Mark Twain
  10. Arthur Conan Doyle
  11. Flannery O’Connor
  12. Ray Bradbury
  13. James Joyce
  14. Leo Tolstoi
  15. O. Henry

These writers are the creators of some of the greatest masterpieces: Tell-tale heart, The Metamorphosis, Hills like white elephants, or Cathedral.

Four things that you should never do when writing a short story

Don’t use long descriptions

Mastering short-story writing is, in a way, like mastering time. Time won’t be on your side since you have to create a cogent and engaging story in a few pages. Refrain from describing settings, outfits, or characters in detail. You are allowed to make short descriptions only if they are relevant to the plot.

Don’t explain but insinuate

Explanations will take a good portion of your story. Instead, make suggestions and insinuate certain parts of the storyline. This will save you characters while giving a mysterious touch to your piece.

Don’t underestimate the surprise element

The element of surprise works well with short stories. An exciting revelation at the end or a surprising turn in the plot will go a long way.

Don’t include information for the reader in dialogues

A common mistake in storytelling and movie screenplays is frequently found in dialogues. Amateurs include information that they want the reader to know. For example, if a couple is getting ready to go to bed, she won’t tell him where she works. The husband obviously knows where his wife works. Keep this type of information on the narrator’s side, and you’ll be safe.

Four tips to writing an excellent short story

Focus on a particular scene or event

Again, the keyword here is time. It’s more effective to focus the plot on a particular event or scene. Thus, the author can make the most of the storyline and give meaning to the story.

Let the characters tell their story

Short stories work best when characters speak from themselves. Instead of describing someone’s personality, make it obvious by the way he or she acts.

Choose the right title

This is useful for pieces that are written with tight wording conditions. Some contests ask for pieces no longer than 1,000 words. The title can help bring meaning to the story. It can also answer some questions that may remain open within the storyline.

Read a lot

We’ve saved the most important tip for last. The one thing that great authors have in common is that they are avid readers. Read magazines, news, novels, product descriptions. Read any genre you like. Nothing was ever built from scratch. In art and literature, great artists have always been shaped after and influenced by other great artists. The more you read, the more elements you will incorporate into your style.

Conclusion on short story writing

These tips are an excellent complement to your creative writing training. Some of the best short story authors of all time have used these parameters.

Finally, we close by paraphrasing Jorge Luis Borges:

“Before I started to write, I knew unequivocally that I was meant for literature. I didn’t realize that I was meant to be a writer and not only a reader, and I don’t think one is less important than the other”.

When writing a short story, authors must keep the reader in mind. By reading a lot themselves they can develop the discernment to choose what works best for their story.

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